Thursday, November 14, 2019

Something I really want?

Hi, assalamualaikum.

As always, things are always hangat-hangat tahi ayam for me, haha. Guess that is not a good thing. But all praises be to Allah, now I am back in the US. This semester has been going quite smooth for me, cuma ada la lopong-lopong sikit bila semangat tu tak mahu bangkit.

So, as to what I have mentioned in my previous post, I was thinking to make this blog as something beneficial to those of you who are reading. But honestly, right now I am not sure about that. Let us just see the first post as a 'positive opening' to this blog. haha.

Well, have you guys ever heard about how communication makes everything becomes so much easier, and comprehensible? Be it to yourself, or any of the relationships you're having.

My life has always been confusing. I did things I did not mean to do. I did things that are out of my willingness. I had 'relationships' when I did not even enjoy that. Meaning, I did everything according to what other people wanted, but not in a way I wanted it to be. I am not saying I was suffering all this while. It is just that, up till this day, I have never done things of that which I really want. Rather, I would say I am just like the bubbles in the sea, moving to wherever the waves would want to, with me having no substantiate controls or power to move myself around as I please.

As I have witnessed quite few things going around, I just realized that what I lack of is communication. I did not communicate with myself. Sure, I did ask myself of what I wanted before but things just stop there. When I should have made everything clear to myself of how I wanted my life to be. How the validation of people about me is not important. How people think about me does not matter, as long as I am doing the good thing to myself and others. How, there are no such things as black and white in life. And how free, and happy our life could be if we could see the world in a bigger and clearer picture.

A month ago, someone had asked me;

"Aimi, what are the things that you really want in life? The things that finally will make you feel content while doing them, what? What are they?"

I could not say anything. I tried to hold my tears but my nose was already running, lol. I said;

"I don't know."

I lied. At that moment, I already knew what I wanted. But I know it would somehow sound stupid if I told people about that. I was just utterly ashamed of what I really want, my biggest dream. I was ashamed because I think some people might find that unrealistic. But whatever.

I am gonna keep that for my next posts. See ya in anytime.



Saturday, April 20, 2019


In the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Compassionate.

Finally, today I get to write something on this long-abandoned blog. It was first created around ten years ago (obviously I was really dedicated on "decorating" and making it as fancy as possible), but three years after, things happened and I did not feel like writing anymore. Or let's just be honest, I was just that lazy. hahaha.

Fast forward, a decade has passed, so many things happened in this long-but-feels-short period but whatever it is, alhamdulillah, Allah still gives me the chance to live. Looking back at how this rough life has hit most of us, my life ten years ago was certainly much better than today's. 

"I can't wait to be a grown up. To live my own life, to drive my own car, to have my own family, to finally stop doing homework and start WORKING!"

Regrets, regrets. Not that much, just a bit. Really! Ok, I lied, a bit.

"Screw adulting. I wish I was forever a kid."

There are times when we feel like running as far as we can, if possible, till the end of the world, (if only it was flat, though) leaving every single thing behind and just mind about you and yourself. Money, commitments, people, you don't even want to give a glimpse on them. How you wish you could do that. How I wish I could do that.. But, we need to be realistic. No matter how bad we want to relive our childhood, it will never happen. No matter how we want to run away from our responsibilities, we know that we can't. Well, we can. But we all know that is not a right thing for us to even consider. And we know, we will never be content if we chose the wrong way to live our life.

Whoever chooses to follow the right path, follows it but for his own good; and whoever goes astray, goes but astray to his own loss; and no bearer of burdens shall be made to bear another’s burden (Al-Israa’ 17:15)

There is a saying that goes "Sometimes you need to be stupid to be able to know how great it feels like to be clever". Ever heard of that? If yes, that's weird. Because nobody actually said that. Hahahha.

Anyway.. I am now in a phase of life whereby I started to realize that I have done so many mistakes and damages, be it to myself or people around me. I realized how I have constantly taken things very lightly and been so confident with every decision that I have made, alone. I realized how I was never really serious about my life. I feel like I am such a disgrace and a failure to myself and my family. I have failed. But I know Allah won't leave me hopeless, and helpless. I know there is always something within me that can benefit others. I myself, judging through my life would recognize myself as a failure, but to those of you who might not know my stories, I really hope that the things I wrote here, inspired by my failures, would benefit you in any possible ways, inshaAllah. Ok! See you in the next post, inshaAllah.

Really hope this won't be hangat-hangat tahi ayam
